Current Build HL7 Version 2 Table 0074

This is a table defined as part of HL7 v2 . Related FHIR content: v2 Diagnostic Service Section ID.


Name:v2 Diagnostic Service Section ID
Definition:FHIR Value set/code system definition for HL7 v2 table 0074 ( Diagnostic Service Section ID)
Code System URL:
Value Set URL:
CodeSystem ResourceXML / JSON
ValueSet ResourceXML / JSON

This value set is used in the following places:

Diagnostic Service Section ID

CodeDescriptionDeutsch (German)Nederlands (Dutch)CommentVersion
AU AudiologyAudiologieAudiologieadded v2.2
BG Blood GasesBlutgaseBloedgassenfrom v2.1
BLB Blood BankBlutbankBloedbankadded v2.2
CG CytogeneticsCytogeneticaadded v2.8.2
CH ChemistryKlinische ChemieChemiefrom v2.1
CP CytopathologyZellpathologieCytopathologiefrom v2.1
CT CAT ScanComputertomographieCAT-scanfrom v2.1
CTH Cardiac CatheterizationHerzkatheterHartcatetherisatieadded v2.2
CUS Cardiac UltrasoundKardiologische UltraschalluntersuchungHart ultrasoundfrom v2.1
EC Electrocardiac (e.g. EKG, EEC, Holter)ElektrokardiographieElectrocardiac (bijv. EKG, EEC, Holter)from v2.1
EN Electroneuro (EEG, EMG,EP,PSG)Elektroneurographie, ElektroencephalographieElectroneuro (EEG, EMG,EP,PSG)added v2.2
GE GeneticsGeneticaadded v2.8.2
HM HematologyHämatologieHematologiefrom v2.1
ICU Bedside ICU MonitoringIC monitoring naast het bedadded v2.3
IMG Diagnostic ImagingDiagnostisch beeldvormingdeprecatedadded v2.4, removed after v2.4
IMM ImmunologyImmunologieImmunologiefrom v2.1
LAB LaboratoryLaboratoriumadded v2.3
MB MicrobiologyMikrobiologieMicrobiologiefrom v2.1
MCB MycobacteriologyMykobakteriologieMycobacteriologiefrom v2.1
MYC MycologyMykologieMycologyfrom v2.1
NMR Nuclear Magnetic ResonanceKernspintomographie (MR)Nucleaire magnetisch resonantiefrom v2.1
NMS Nuclear Medicine ScanSzintigrammNucleaire geneeskunde scanfrom v2.1
NRS Nursing Service MeasuresPflegemaßnahmeVerpleegkundige service maatregelenfrom v2.1
OSL Outside LabExternes LaborOutside Labadded v2.2
OT Occupational TherapyBeschäftigungstherapieErgotherapiefrom v2.1
OTH OtherAndereAndersfrom v2.1
OUS OB UltrasoundGeburtshilfiche UltraschalluntersuchungOB Ultrasoundfrom v2.1
PAR ParasitologyParasitologiedeprecatedadded v2.4, removed after v2.4
PAT Pathology (gross & histopath, not surgical)Pathologie (gross & histopath, niet chirurgisch)deprecatedadded v2.4, removed after v2.4
PF Pulmonary FunctionLungenfunktionPulmonaire functieadded v2.2
PHR PharmacyApothekeMedicatiefrom v2.1
PHY Physician (Hx. Dx, admission note, etc.)Arzt (Krankengeschichte, Diagnose, Aufnahmeuntersuchung)Arts (Hx. Dx, opnameverslag, etc.)added v2.2
PT Physical Therapyphysiklische TherapieLichamelijke oefeningfrom v2.1
RAD RadiologyRadiologieRadiologieadded v2.3
RC Respiratory Care (therapy)AtemtherapieRespiratoire zorg (therapie)from v2.1
RT Radiation TherapyStrahlentherapieStralingstherapiefrom v2.1
RUS Radiology UltrasoundRadiologische UltraschalluntersuchungRadiologie ultrasoundfrom v2.1
RX RadiographRöntgenaufnahmeRadiographadded v2.2
SP Surgical PathologyOperative PathologieChirurgische pathologiefrom v2.1
SR SerologySerologieSerologiefrom v2.1
TX ToxicologyToxikologieToxicologiefrom v2.1
URN UrinalysisUrinalysedeprecatedadded v2.4, removed after v2.4
VR VirologyVirologieVirologieadded v2.2
VUS Vascular UltrasoundUltraschalluntersuchung der GefäßeVasculaire Ultrasoundfrom v2.1
XRC CineradiographRöntgenkinematographieCineradiographfrom v2.1